Meeting attendance
Wednesday, 30 November 2022 7.00 pm, Policy and Resources Committee
Venue: The Sapling Room, The Appleyard, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4DE
Attendee | Role | Attendance | Attendance comment |
Billy Attaway | Officer | Expected | |
Mike Baldock | Chair | Present | |
Cameron Beart | Visiting Councillor | In attendance, virtual | |
Monique Bonney | Vice-Chair | Present | |
Lloyd Bowen | Committee Member | Present | |
Derek Carnell | Committee Member | Present | |
Martyn Cassell | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Flo Churchill | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Steve Davey | Visiting Councillor | In attendance, virtual | |
Mike Dendor | Committee Member | Present | |
Duncan Ellis | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Lisa Fillery | Officer | In attendance | |
Tim Gibson | Committee Member | Present | |
Angela Harrison | Visiting Councillor | In attendance | |
Mike Henderson | Committee Member | Present | |
Alan Horton | Committee Member | Present | |
Charlotte Hudson | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
James Hunt | Visiting Councillor | In attendance, virtual | |
Elliott Jayes | Committee Member | Present as substitute | |
Joanne Johnson | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Zoe Kent | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Kellie MacKenzie | Officer | Expected | |
Jo Millard | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Pete Neal | Visiting Councillor | In attendance, virtual | |
Richard Palmer | Visiting Councillor | In attendance, virtual | |
Jill Peet | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Larissa Reed | Officer | In attendance | |
Philippa Davies | Officer | In attendance | |
Julian Saunders | Committee Member | Present | |
David Simmons | Committee Member | Present, as expected, virtual | |
Claire Stanbury | Officer | In attendance | |
Bill Tatton | Committee Member | Present | |
Roger Truelove | Committee Member | Present | |
Tim Valentine | Committee Member | Present | |
Mike Whiting | Committee Member | Present | |
Emma Wiggins | Officer | In attendance, virtual | |
Corrie Woodford | Committee Member | Apologies, sent representative | Substituted by Elliott Jayes |