ePetition details

Rebate for no rubbish collection

We the undersigned petition the council to All persons in Boughton should receive a rebate in there council tax due to services not delivered, namely rubbish not being collected for 3 weeks.

This year has seen an increase in our tax, for this we expect a better service and certainly not a worse one! We intrust you with our money in a cost of living crisis and our village is turned into a rubbish tip, with rats running on the street and maggots on the bin bags.

Apologies and excuses don't pay our bills and are empty.

No doubt the third party company has defaulted on there contractual obligations and I certainly wouldn't expect them to be paid in full with our public funds, therefore morally you should rebate us.

We fund and elect representatives tother Council, we expect a service, and when we have been failed by our employees..... you.... we expect renumeration or a change in who we employ to look after our cash.

Our children should not have to walk in roads to avoid bin bags

This ePetition ran from 23/04/2024 to 03/07/2024 and has now finished.

8 people signed this ePetition.