Register of interests

Rich Lehmann

I, Rich Lehmann a Member of Swale Borough Council give notice that I have set out below my disclosable pecuniary interests and my disclosable non-pecuniary interests which I am required to register under the Code of Conduct, the Localism Act and the SI No. 1464 the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Regulations) 2012 and the local arrangements that my authority has decided should be included in the register. The law requires you to list all of your own interests and those of your husband/wife/civil partner or person with whom you are living as husband/wife/civil partner. However, you are not required to disclose their name.


1. Please state any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.
You and your partner as defined above.
Kent County Councillor
Occasional freelance photography work
Spouse - part time self employed graphic designer
2. Sponsorship
Swale Green Party
3. Contracts
You and your partner as defined above
4. Land
You and your partner as defined above
5 Sherwood Close, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7QS
5. Licences
You and your partner as defined above
6. Corporate Tenancies
You and your partner as defined above
7. Securities
You and your partner as defined above


8. Unpaid Directorships - Name of the body for wich you serve as a Director.
You and your partner as defined above.
9. Appointments and nominations made by the Local Authority
You and your partner as defined above
Trustee of Bensteds Charity. Appointed by KCC in 2021. Current term ends 2025
10. Bodies which exercise functions of a public nature.
You and your partner as defined above
11. Bodies which influence public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union).
You and your partner as defined above
Swale Green Party - Committee Member
Confederation of Kent Green Parties - Co-Chair
Plastic Free Faversham - (Myself and Spouse)
Swale Friends of the Earth (Myself and Spouse)
12. Date
16 May 2023