Agenda item
Update on Bearing Fruits: Swale Borough Local Plan
The first tranche of Interim Findings were received from the Local Plan Inspector on 4 February 2016. As expected, they cover the housing target issue and a recommendation that it now be increased. The item presents the interim findings, their implications, and sets out an indicative programme to progress the Local Plan through the Proposed Main Modifications stage of the process, during the remainder of the year.
This report provided an update on progress on the Local Plan; the Inspector’s Interim Findings (IF) from the Examination in Public; and the way forward.
The Chairman congratulated the Spatial Planning Manager and her Team on the work that they had carried out. He drew Members’ attention to paragraph 2.10 in the report, particularly bullet point four: ‘the Plan’s settlement strategy of two planning areas is confirmed, with the focus of development on the Kent Thames Gateway part of the Borough. A ‘proportional’ boost to allocations in Faversham and rural areas in a sensitive way without detriment to the settlement strategy is also recommended’.
The Spatial Planning Manager explained that the Examination in Public (EIP) was still live, but had paused for the Inspector to make recommendations to the Council in respect of Proposed Modifications. The new housing target had been published early to enable the Council to make an early start on the work to support that. The Spatial Planning Manager advised that at the submission stage, the Inspector had been formally requested to make any recommendations necessary to render the plan sound. She reported that there was a new Government Gypsy and Traveller Policy (August 2015) which had changed the definition of a gypsy and traveller; consequently the needs assessment for pitches over the plan period had been re-worked. The Inspector appeared satisfied with the new evidence on this and further Interim Findings on this and other matters discussed at the EIP is expected with the next week or two.
Some Members considered that 776 houses would be a struggle to deliver, both viability and deliverability-wise.
In response to questions, the Spatial Planning Manager advised that over 80 possible new sites for housing had come in as a result of a call for sites (triggered by new sites presented both at the EIP Hearings and independently of the Local Plan process). The idea was to consider all through the same criteria and these were being assessed for deliverability and infrastructure requirements. She advised that the consultation on Proposed Modifications was likely to commence in late June; the Inspector had endorsed the bulk of the housing being in the Thames Gateway; she confirmed it was the Council’s choice to determine the choice of additional allocations. The sites’ ranking list which was produced for the Hearings alongside site sustainability work was done to give the Inspector the confidence that the housing target could be increased if necessary, without conflict with key environmental designations; affordable housing need was built into the 776 houses per year; Kent County Council Highways & Transportation Officers had advised the EIP that the existing Borough network of roads would cope with the 776 houses target; and the Inspector endorsed the Borough’s settlement strategy as sound.
A Member explained that residents would want to know where the additional 80 sites in the call for sites were, and further advised that the pre-election period for the forthcoming Police and Crime Commissioners election affected the timetable for the Proposed Modifications consultation process.
A Member moved a motion for a recorded vote, this was not seconded. Councillor Baldock requested that it be recorded that he voted against the recommendations.
Members congratulated and thanked the Head of Planning Services, the Spatial Planning Manager, the Principal Planner and the Planning Policy Team for their work on the Local Plan.
(1) That the Inspector’s Interim Findings (Introduction, Part 1 and Part 2) on the Swale Local Plan be noted.
(2) That officers’ actions undertaken to act on the Inspector’s recommendation to prepare draft modifications to deliver the new Objectively Assessed Need of 776 dwellings per annum, whilst maintaining the settlement strategy of two planning areas be endorsed.
(3) That the indicative programme to deal with proposed recommendations for the remainder of 2016 be endorsed.
Supporting documents:
- Local Plan Insp Interim Rep LDF panel 25Feb16 JF AK, item 535. PDF 79 KB
- Appendix Ia Inspectors IF 9a, item 535. PDF 36 KB
- Appendix Ib Inspectors IF 9b, item 535. PDF 52 KB
- Appendix Ic Inspectors IF 9c, item 535. PDF 96 KB
- Appendix II SBCEX12 EIP Programme 2016 Feb16, item 535. PDF 39 KB