Agenda item
Motion - Highsted Park planning applications
Proposed by: Councillor Bowen
Seconded by: Councillor Speed
In proposing the motion, as set out on the Agenda, Councillor Lloyd Bowen reported that the application site was not within the constituency of the MP who had called-in the application, nor was it within the built-up area of Sittingbourne. The Secretary of State (SoS) needed to visit the Highsted Park application area and engage with ward members, members of the Planning Committee, local representatives and local residents to demonstrate that the government was being fair and transparent and to restore public confidence. He also thanked officers for their hard work on the application.
In seconding the motion, Councillor Julien Speed reserved his right to speak.
In the debate that followed, Members made points which included:
· Supported the motion and said there was lots of evidence that the applicants had not previously submitted that the SoS needed to see;
· this was a very important motion as the majority of Swale were concerned about the application;
· concerned that developers would be able to go straight to the SoS for them to decide large applications; and
· hoped that by seeing the application site, the SoS might understand the impact it would have on the local community.
Councillor Speed said that the Highsted Park applications would be a ‘blight’ on the countryside. The loss of arable land was contrary to national and local policy. This was the largest application nationally and it was imperative that the SoS visited the site to view the harm to Swale’s heritage assets and wildlife areas. Councillor Speed was concerned that the MP that called-in the application had not consulted the MP for the area.
In summing up, Councillor Bowen said the Planning Inspector could visit the site, but they would not be able to consider the strength of feeling against the application.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.1.19(2), a recorded vote was taken, and voting was as follows:
For: Councillors Baldock, Bonney, Bowen, Carnell, Cavanagh, Chapman, Cheesman, Eyre, C Gibson, T Gibson, Gould, Hunt, Jackson, Jayes, Lehmann, Marchington, B Martin, C Martin, Mishchuk, Moore, Neal, Noe, Nundy, C Palmer, R Palmer, Perkin, Speed, P Stephen, S Stephen, Thompson, Tucker, Watson, Whiting, Winckless and Wise. Total equals 35.
Against: Councillors Brawn, Harrison and Miller. Total equals 3.
Abstain: Councillors S Clark, Last and Wooster. Total equals 3.
The Mayor announced the Motion had been agreed.
This Council notes the call in decision regarding the Highsted Park planning applications, following a request by the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey and others.
This Council believes that a visit to Swale by the Secretary of State prior to the release of the Planning Inspector’s report would provide invaluable first-hand insight into the local context of the development. Such a visit would enable the Secretary of State to engage directly with ward members and other local representatives - ensuring their voices and concerns are understood and considered. Demonstrating proactive engagement by senior government officials will strengthen public confidence in the transparency and fairness of the planning process which has been tarnished by the actions of the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey.
This Council resolves to formally request that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government visits the Highsted Park application area to meet with ward members, planning committee members and, potentially, other local representatives affected by the Highsted Park development.
The Council instructs the Leader to communicate this request to the Secretary of State and to work with relevant parties to organise the visit prior to the Inspector's report being submitted.
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