Agenda item

Discussion Item: Parking in Market Place and Court Street, Faversham


The Chair drew attention to the tabled paper from Town Councillor Julian Saunders which had previously been circulated to Board Members.  The tabled paper explained that parking in Market Place and Court Street, Faversham was a ‘considerable concern to many residents’ and included a proposal for the Swale Joint Transportation Board (JTB) to engage with the working group set-up by Faversham Town Council (FTC) to explore how the issue could be resolved.


The Chair invited the visiting Ward Member, Councillor Hannah Perkin to speak on the item.  Councillor Perkin advised that following the introduction of overnight car parking charges, parking had become ‘problematical’ in the centre of Faversham.  She reported that car parking in Market Place and Court Street was a particular issue and the current parking order could not be enforced as the yellow lines were no longer visible due to wear and tear.  This was leading to vehicles blocking the entrance to the centre of Faversham causing obstructions: to the market; to local events; and deliveries to local businesses.   She asked that local residents and local businesses be reconsulted about the reinstallation of the double yellow lines.


The Chair invited Members to raise points, which included:


·         Aware that inconsiderate parking was blocking access to the market and impacting on traders;

·         considered it was important that the Swale JTB engaged with local residents and worked with FTC’s Working Group to find a solution and ensure public safety;

·         it was important to encourage visitors to the town centre, but Faversham was a unique town and it was important to get it right;

·         pedestrians and café users were also being put at risk by vehicles entering the town centre;

·         lack of parking enforcement was also an issue;

·         there was an absence of controls on vehicles entering the town centre;

·         the problems were “underpinned” by the fact that both Kent County Council (KCC) and Swale Borough Council (SBC) had not been able to move forward with the agreed town centre road closure proposals; and

·         the Neighbourhood Plan for the town of Faversham had recently been passed and it made a very strong commitment to a walking environment.


Town Councillor Julian Saunders moved the motion as set-out in the tabled paper.  This was seconded by Councillor Alastair Gould.  On being put to the vote the recommendation was agreed.




(1)      That this Board notes that Faversham Town Council has agreed to write to Swale Borough Council asking them to arrange a meeting with local businesses to discuss town centre parking issues and set-up a working group (consisting of the Chair and Vice-Chair of its Active Travel Committee and the two relevant borough ward members, with the KCC division member attending as an observer) to represent its views to SBC about town centre parking and gain greater understanding of Swale’s plans for pedestrianisation.  That SBC and KCC actively engaged with the working group in order to find an effective solution to the parking problems in the Market Place and Court Street, Faversham, and an effective way forward to implement the recommendation of the December 2022 JTB meeting to proceed with Faversham Town Centre road closures.