Agenda item
Police update and Community Safety
Chief Inspector (CI) Vanessa Foster (Kent Police), was in attendance to give an update on policing on the Isle of Sheppey. She covered the following issues:
· The Neighbourhood Unit went live in June 2024;
· the Isle of Sheppey was now fully staffed with 5 Beat Officers and 2 Police Community Support Officers (PCSO). All wards were now covered;
· the Child Centred Policing Team was now fully staffed;
· the Sports Connect Project was introduced in the summer 2024. As it had proved to be so popular it had been duplicated across Swale. Young people taking part were able to participate in activities such as football, boxing and fishing;
· there had been a 40% reduction in anti-social behaviour;
· shop lifting incidents had increased, this was partly due to issues such as the prisoner early release scheme. The Police were working with businesses to address the issue;
· violent crime was now the lowest it had been in Swale for several years; and
· as Sheerness High Street was classed as a hot-spot, extra funding had been put in place to patrol it 7 days a week. Extra coverage was put in place during school holidays.
The following questions were raised:
· There had been an increase of 37% in incidents of violence against women and girls in Kent. As funding for these services was unclear at the moment, what reassurance could the Police give that the health, safety and wellbeing of women and girls would not suffer due to funding channels being put on hold?;
· teenagers on the Isle of Sheppey were talking positively about the Sports Connect Project, how were the Police reaching rural areas?
· a Member mentioned an incident that occurred a few weeks ago at the Old Borough Hall, Queenborough, where two youths separately smashed some of the double-glazed windows. This was reported to the Police and CCTV footage was provided but the member had not heard back.
· a Member asked what action was being taken to deal with the serious road traffic incidents at Marine Parade, Sheerness, as well as an incident where a minor was assaulted at the MacDonald’s premises;
· an issue had been raised at the Swale Cost-of-Living meeting about families resorting to prostitution to make ends meet, this involved parents and teenagers;
· a Member stressed the importance of all incidents being reported to the Police as the data built a picture which the Police could act on;
· would an extra Beat Officer be appointed to the Isle of Sheppey so that Minster Cliffs and Sheppey Central wards could have a dedicated officer each? Thistle Hill, Minster was a particular problem at the moment.
CI Foster responded that the Domestic Violence Strategy had been at the forefront of priorities for Kent Police and would always be a focus. Swale Police ensured that early safeguarding of victims took place and offenders were brought into custody swiftly and action taken. Any changes to funding would not affect this priority. Data on hot-spots for poor behaviour was the main factor on where to target the Sports Connect Project. Rural areas did not have the same issues as more populated areas, but CI Foster acknowledged it wasn’t ideal that rural areas did not have the same access to the project. CI Foster would ask the Beat Officer to look into the incident at the Old Borough Hall, Queenborough and get back to the Member. Police officers within Swale had a speed gun and officers intermittently patrolled areas but the night-time behaviour needed to be addressed. There was a team that focussed on anti-social nuisance vehicles in the Marine Parade and Ridham Docks area of Sheerness. Beat Officers were working closely with staff at MacDonald’s to support staff and at peak times the Police were in the area to take action if necessary. CI Foster said that the Child Centred Team had been present at the Cost-of-Living meeting and would take action on any information received. Unfortunately, there was not the capacity to appoint an additional Beat Officer but the Isle of Sheppey staff had the specialist skills to deal with the issues in the area. Thistle Hill had the Sports Connect Project for the next six weeks and the area had been raised for tasking for the whole district so that specialist teams could be defaulted there.
The Community & Partnerships Manager gave an update on the Swale Community Safety Partnership Plan which was created each year and set out the priorities for the Partnership, based upon data and consultation with partners and the public.
The Partnership were keen to undertake a consultation with Elected Members at County/Borough/Parish Level to contribute to the review of these priorities.
The survey would close on 3 January 2025 and could be accessed via this link: