Agenda item
Local Development Scheme Update
Tabled update added 27.11.24
The Project Manager (Policy) introduced the report. The tabled update paper provided details of the two Highsted Park applications and their imminent Inquiry impact on the Local Development Scheme. The two schemes proposed high levels of development, over 8,500 homes, link roads and a new junction on the M2. Members had raised concerns over the time of the regulation 18 consultation, due to the impact on the plans objectives, should the Highsted Park applications be approved by the Central Government. The update paper set out the benefits and the risks of delaying the consultation.
The Chair invited Members to make comments, which included:
· The risk of delaying the plan outweighed the benefits;
· the Council found themselves in this situation because Members could not make an affirmed decision;
· the extra traffic modelling was now no longer going ahead, so could the consultation start for Regulation 18?;
· the Highsted Park application, if approved, could have a huge impact on the local plan;
· the benefits were clear and some work towards the local plan could continue whilst waiting for a decision on the Highsted park applications;
· how could Members be expected to recommend sufficient sites when there were sites in the plan that would not be needed if the Highsted Park applications were approved;
· the Council were behind on the five-year housing land supply target because of delayed housing developments outside of Members control;
· delaying and adopting the second timetable was the only way to move forward without a wastage of expenditure;
· currently there was an outdated Local Plan and officers needed an updated plan to work with consultees on developments earlier in the process to ensure developments were built appropriately for the local area;
· without a local plan the Council would be open to windfall sites and there was higher risk of further sites coming forward;
· Central Government were taking the Council’s decision making powers away;
· the decision on the Highsted Park applications may not be in July 2024, so needed to agree the local plan otherwise it would keep being delayed;
· Members were being put in this position by Central Government and it had cost the Council a lot of money; and
· Central Government set unrealistic numbers that could not be delivered;
The Head of Place clarified with Members that once the Planning Inquiry had concluded, the timeframe for the Planning Inspector to write their report and for the Secretary of State to review it were not scheduled, so it was unknown when the decision would be made.
The Project Manager (Policy) responded to points made about the Highsted Park applications and the impact the applications had on the timetable for the Local Plan. He said the draft regulation 18 document was not as restrictive in legislation as the regulation 19 document, so if there were any issues with the evidence base for regulation 18, there would be opportunities to update the evidence before moving onto regulation 19. He added that if the Highsted Park applications were not approved, the Council would be losing six-months of the proposed timeline for the Local Plan, allowing one-year to submit both consultations and submission for examination under the current planning regime. If the Highsted Park applications were approved, it could result in new pieces of work that needed to be carried out, which could result in extra cost.
The Head of Place commented that the cost of the Highsted Park inquiry was not known at this stage and officers were working to understand the extent of cost implications. She added that the Council found themselves in a unique situation and there were no case studies to follow but were utilising all the advice and support they could.
The Vice-Chair proposed the potential Local Plan Review timetable post Highsted Park Planning Decisions, on page 4 of the tabled update. Councillor James Hunt seconded and on being put to the vote, it was agreed.
(1) That the amended revised timetable for Regulation 18 draft plan consultation in quarter 2 of 2025 and a Regulation 19 pre-submission plan consultation in quarter 4 of 2025, as shown on page 4 of the tabled update, be recommended to Full Council.
Supporting documents:
- PR report Local Development scheme Autumn 2024 v2, item 399. PDF 87 KB
- Appendix I Local Development Scheme update report to Planning and Transportation Policy Working Group – 17th September 2024, item 399. PDF 128 KB
- Appendix II Printed minutes Planning and Transportation Policy Working Group – 17th September 2024, item 399. PDF 167 KB
- Appendix III Proposed Local Development Scheme Autumn 2024, item 399. PDF 245 KB
- Tabled update final - Item 6, item 399. PDF 153 KB