Agenda item
2.2 - 24/500856/REM Land at Wises Lane, Borden
2.2 REFERENCE NO 24/500856/REM |
APPLICATION PROPOSAL Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, and Scale sought) for levels and earthworks changes for Phase 2F and the Primary School Land pursuant to 17/505711/HYBRID |
ADDRESSLand At Wises Lane Borden Kent ME10 1GD |
WARD Borden and Grove Park |
APPLICANT Karen Dunn AGENT DHA Planning |
The Planning Consultant introduced the application as set out in the report.
Oonagh Kerrigan, the Agent, spoke in support of the application.
The Chair moved the officer recommendation to approve the application, and this was seconded by Councillor Andy Booth.
The Chair invited Members to make comments and points raised included:
· Concerned that the works could damage the hedgerows;
· sought assurance from the officer that the land levels would be completed as proposed, as there had been previous applications in the past when the developer had not delivered on what was promised;
· did not understand why the developer needed to level the landscaping in the open space area of the site;
· concerned that changing the levels of the land in the open space area would harm the visual amenity of the site;
· the ‘levelling’ of the site was not needed for people to walk along the open space as people already walked across those fields;
· could Members agree the change of levels for the school development and not the open space part of the site?;
· the least disruption to the wildlife and natural habitat, the better;
· could a condition be added for the wildlife buffer to be created first, before any ‘levelling’ of soil took place?;
· thought it was sensible to move soil from one location on the site to another location on the site rather than remove from the site to maintain consistency; and
· had real concerns with the disturbance to wildlife.
The Planning Consultant responded to points raised and explained to Members that condition (44) of the report, referred to the Tree Protection measures that would be put in place to ensure protection of the hedgerows. She added that the applicants’ intentions were to provide a more gentle sloping of the open space to make it more accessible for people to use the space and that there was no provision for a sports field to be made.
The Planning Consultant explained that the developer wanted to provide a more gentle slope allowing increased accessibility. It was for the Committee to decide whether the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and whether there was any harm.
The Planning Consultant advised that the application could not be approved in part and refused in part.
With regards to the wildlife buffer, the Planning Consultant explained to Members that this was not something that would normally be added prior to works as it would be difficult for the applicant to protect the new wildlife buffer, whilst the works were being carried out, as the trees and bushes would not have time to mature in their setting. This would usually be something that the applicant would carry out once the disturbance to the ground works had completed.
Councillor Terry Thompson moved the following motion: That an additional condition be added for the wildlife buffer to be created, before the earthwork’s construction was started to minimise the impact to the wildlife. This was seconded by the Chair. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.
Councillor Tony Winckless moved the following motion: That an additional condition be included which required the construction traffic to use the new link road at Chestnut Street, Sittingbourne, to access the site rather than using Wises Lane, Sittingbourne, and that haulage firms be told the route they were required to take before any works commenced on the site. This was seconded by Councillor Simon Clark. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.
The Vice-Chair moved the following motion: That the application be deferred to allow officers to negotiate with the applicant to explore the possibility of re-levelling the land needed for the school site, rather than the open space area of the site. This was seconded by Councillor Richard Palmer. On being put to the vote, the motion was agreed.
Resolved: That application 24/500856/REM be deferred to allow officers to negotiate with the applicant to explore the possibility of re-levelling the land needed for the school site, rather than the open space area of the site.
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