Agenda item

Motion - Housing Emergency Motion

Full motion on Housing Emergency attached


Amendment to motion added 28 March 24


In proposing, Councillor Angela Harrison read out the motion as set out on the Agenda. Councillor Harrison said that following the last Housing and Health Committee, she and the Leader had written to the Borough’s MP’s seeking support in lobbying Government to address the housing emergency and had received an acknowledgement from Helen Whately MP that the issue had been raised with Ministers and an update was forthcoming. Councillor Harrison said the crisis was not going away and every effort needed to be made to assist residents.


Councillor Alastair Gould seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.


The Mayor advised that an amendment to the motion had been received, circulated to Members and added to the website. She invited Councillor Ben J Martin to propose the amendment. Councillor Martin thanked those Members for bringing forward the original motion. He said there were still things that the Council could do to address the housing crises without it costing money. Councillor Martin gave examples such as policies that could be tweaked to encourage registered providers to spend money in Swale or discounts could be given on pre-applications. He referred to the static Local Housing Authority rate still at 2011 levels.  Finally, Councillor Martin said nothing within the amendment was controversial and it improved the original motion.


Councillor Claire Martin seconded the amendment and reserved her right to speak.


Councillor Harrison welcomed any suggestions that would assist, drawing attention that there were some financial implications in the amendment but the suggestions were worthy of a debate and all possibilities should be considered.


Members were invited to speak and made comments including:


·         All suggestions in the amendment were actions to consider and explore, and added to the motion; and

·         the amendment gave a commitment to doing the work, not the outcome.


Councillor Claire Martin gave some statistics in the decrease in home ownership of young people and the increase in salary required to purchase a home.  She said there would be a rise in pensioner poverty and the housing benefit bill in the future and referred to the increase in numbers of sofa surfing. Finally, Councillor Martin said the amendment gave strength to the motion.


On being put to the vote, Members voted in support of the amendment.


Members then debated the amended motion and made points including:


·         It was regrettable that the motion was necessary;

·         the motion was a crucial step towards prioritising the well-being of residents;

·         it was important to mobilise resources and collaborate with stakeholders;

·         referred to the number of empty properties in the Borough;

·         said that the increase in enquiries from residents to find appropriate housing had overtaken enquiries on bins, overhanging trees and boundary disputes;

·         referred to overcrowding of houses and the need for housing for women fleeing domestic violence;

·         the housing situation felt bleak;

·         highlighted the financial impacts on Council budgets in supporting the homeless and those in temporary accommodation;

·         homes should not be considered a sense of wealth but essential to residents;

·         compared the housing situation in Germany where long term leasing enabled residents to save and then purchase property later in life;

·         there was a lack of stability in the private rented sector;

·         the Government treated landlords as poorly as those wishing to rent;

·         a change in the social housing system was necessary;

·         years of under investment by housing associations had led to poor quality homes; and

·         some landlords provided a very poor standard of housing.


Councillor Gould said good points had been made and the part of the motion that called for the Government to urgently seek proper solutions was the key message. He said housing was a human right. Councillor Gould referred to the report that went to the Housing and Health Committee which illustrated the benefits of investment in social need. Councillor Gould said whichever Government was in power needed to take the long view and investment could bring huge benefits. He thanked Councillor Martin for the amendment which he said benefited the motion.


In summing up Councillor Harrison said staff resources would need to be considered and repeated that the topic was an important issue to the Council and its residents.


On being put to the vote, the motion was agreed.




(1)  That the Council declares an Affordable Housing Emergency for the Borough of Swale.


(2)  That the Council recognises and endorses the work of the Leader of the Council in working with District Council’s Network in highlighting and tackling the Housing Emergency.


(3)  That the Council continues to work with the sector and tries to engage Government to develop long-term solutions to fix the national housing crisis.


(4)  That the Council calls on the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Housing Minister to urgently seek proper solutions to the Housing crisis.

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