Agenda item

Tennis Court Improvement Project


The Greenspaces Manager introduced the report which set out the current usage and condition of the tennis court provision in Sittingbourne, and details of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) proposal for an £112,000 project to improve tennis facilities at King George’s Playing Field and Milton Recreation Ground. 


The Greenspaces Manager explained that to allow the project to progress Members agreement was sought for designation of the current multi-use court at Milton to be tennis only, and 15 years of future maintenance to be funded by the Council from a sinking fund.  He reported that the Sittingbourne Area Committee had supported the proposed project at their meeting in December 2022.  The Greenspaces Manager said that if the scheme was supported, the improvements would take place over the next six to eight months.


The Chair invited Members to ask questions and make comments and these included:


·         Welcomed the report;

·         what was the current usage at Milton Recreation ground?

·         would other sports currently played at Milton Recreation ground be driven away?

·         there was a significant lack of football pitches within Swale, could the Committee explore that going forward?;

·         was the proposed ball court set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report just an aspiration, or was it likely to be developed and had a site been identified?;

·         how would the development be managed?;

·         improved facilities would definitely increase usage;

·         what was defined as a season ticket?;

·         supported the project but considered that multi-use game areas were needed in Swale;

·         concerned about the lack of sports facilities at The Meads, Sittingbourne;

·         the Council needed to improve the promotion of the sports facilities it had;

·         considered that the Council needed to be pro-active in ensuring that the Section 106 funding outlined paragraph 3.7 of the report came forward; and

·         fully supported the proposed use and considered the new facilities would be an asset to Swale.


In response the Greenspaces Manager said that currently Sittingbourne Tennis Club (STC) used the site for 30% of the time.  He said there was a small amount of usage by a running club and that would continue, but no other groups currently used the site, and it was hoped that this project would increase the use of the site.  The Greenspaces Managed advised that officers were currently working on a Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) which would consider future needs of pitches within the borough.  With regard to the opportunity to install a ball court, the Greenspaces Manager advised that a substantial sum of money had been allocated for this via the Section 106 contributions for sport improvements at either Milton Recreation Ground or Kemsley Recreation Ground. 


The Greenspaces Manager advised that whilst the detail of any improvements was currently unknown the LTA’s specialist contractor would be used and suspected they would fully close sites for the works.  He confirmed that season tickets were for a year. 


Councillor Mike Dendor proposed the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor Steve Davey.




(1)  That the designated usage of courts from multi-use to tennis only at Milton Recreation Ground be agreed.

(2)  That a sinking fund commitment and ongoing maintenance responsibility as part of the bid for funding from the LTA be agreed.

(3)  That the Council applied for improvement funding from the LTA and that any subsequent funding agreement be signed by the Head of Environment and Leisure.

(4)  That it be recommended to the Policy and Resources Committee, and then Council that the relevant fees were included in the Council’s fees and charges document.

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