Agenda item

Car parking and Coach Parking


The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods introduced the report which set out the Council’s intention to consult on an off-street parking order for the Ship on Shore car park, Sheerness and to trial coach parking at a new site in Minster.  The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods outlined the five recommendations in the report, and said that relevant Ward Members and Parish/Town Councils had been consulted on the proposals.  She reported that Minster Parish Council supported the proposed location of the coach park set out in Appendix II of the report.  The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods further reported that the Section 151 Officer had confirmed that the £35,000 required for preparation of the site for the coach park was available from the Kent Pool Economic Development Business Rates Reserve.  


The Chair invited Members to ask questions and make comments and these included:


·         Delighted to see the report and the proposals for the Ship on Shore car park and aware that if it had not been for the Covid-19 Pandemic the report would have been presented sooner;

·         would the Ship on Shore be a long-stay car park?;

·         referred to recommendation (3) and clarified that the Council would not be paying for the paid coach parking in Minster but those parking in the car park;

·         how many coaches would fit into the proposed coach park?;

·         concerned about how the car parking would be enforced;

·         would the proposal qualify for any UK Shared Prosperity (UKSPF) funding as a town centre development under the TAG scheme?;

·         would there be safe facilities to drop-off the coach passengers in Sheerness?;

·         concerned that local residents who currently parked in the Ship on Shore car park would start parking on the main road and officers should explore whether it would be possible to have free parking after 6 pm to resolve that issue;

·         considered that the recommended two-year trial for the proposed coach park should be increased to three years;

·         camper vans could be encouraged to use the coach park overnight; and

·         suggested that residents parking be allocated near the Ship on Shore car park possibly by the sea wall.


Councillor Lloyd Bowen moved the following motion: That the Ship on Shore car park be designated as a long-stay car park and recommendation (3) be re-worded to make it clear that the paid coach parking would not be paid by the Council but those that used the coach service.  This was seconded by Councillor James Hunt.  This was agreed by Members.


In response to questions, the Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods agreed to explore whether any funding could be secured from the UKSPF.  There would be no additional resources for parking enforcement of the car parks, and she noted the point about safe drop-off in Sheerness. 


Councillor James Hunt moved the following amendment:  That a three-year trial was undertaken for providing paid coach parking in Minster rather than two-years as set out in the report.  This was seconded by Councillor Lloyd Bowen.  The amendment was agreed by Members.


Councillor Lloyd Bowen moved the recommendations in the report, which were seconded by Councillor James Hunt.




(1)  That the Off-Street Parking Places Order process, specifically to formalise parking in the Ship on Shore car park and to start operating as pay and display car park be undertaken.

(2)   That if the consultation was positive, that Policy and Resources Committee and Council add the Ship on Shore car park into the fees and charges document.

(3)  That a three-year trial be undertaken for providing chargeable coach parking in Minster at the location shown in Appendix II of the report, and the off-street parking places order process be followed.

(4)  That due to the project’s links in supporting economic development and encouraging visitors, the Policy and Resources committee be recommended to allocate funding of £35,000 for the preparation of the site for the coach park from Kent Pool Economic Development Business Rates Reserve.

(5)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Environment and Leisure to complete the relevant paperwork for the off-street parking orders.

(6)  That the Ship on Shore car park, Sheerness be designated as a long-stay car park.

Supporting documents: