Agenda item

Mayor's Civic Award


The Chief Executive introduced the report which proposed the setting up of a Mayoral Civic Award for Swale. She said there were many people in the Borough that did voluntary work for others, and she acknowledged the previous Swale Volunteer Awards which in the current economic climate, it was not appropriate to hold. The Chief Executive explained the proposal that due diligence would be carried out on nominees, with up to three awards given in each  municipal year to be presented at a meeting of Full Council, followed by an invitation to afternoon tea with the Mayor.


In the discussion that followed members made points and asked questions including:


·                The report was light on detail and criteria;

·                accepted a lavish ceremony was not appropriate and admired the concept but this did not give the right recognition;

·                to award in April 2023 gave a tight deadline and fell within the pre-election period;

·                spoke in support;

·                should be a separate event, suggested before a Full Council meeting;

·                suggested external sponsors; and

·                supported the limitation on number of awards as the prestige was greater.


The Chief Executive provided further detail on the proposal, comparing the presentation of the award ceremony to the Freeman of the Borough ceremonies held before a Full Council meeting.  She said that certificates would be given to all nominees or groups, and she explained that the rules around the pre-election period were not to make controversial decisions, and this proposal was therefore acceptable.  She reminded members that the Mayor’s post was non-political.  The Chief Executive said an advertisement for nominees would be placed in the “Inside Swale” booklet with a follow-up thank you to those nominated in the same publication. 


A member referred to the Cabinet Advisory Committee in October 2021 which agreed that the Swale Voluntary Awards would be held in 2022.  The Chief Executive said that teams had been restructured and staff departed since the previous discussion at the Cabinet Advisory Committee and that the previous award ceremony could no longer be resourced. She stressed the importance of thanks and recognition to volunteers without additional burden to staff.  The Chief Executive acknowledged the report should have included reference to the previous discussion at the Cabinet Advisory Committee.  The Head of Housing and Communities added that in recent years sponsorship had declined and the cost of the Swale Volunteer Awards was no longer cost neutral.


The Chair said the previous Swale Volunteer Awards ceremony was not practical with the changes in staff and he spoke in support of the cross-party panel of judges.


A member spoke fondly of the Swale Volunteer Awards and paid tribute to a former employee who he had worked with on the awards.  He suggested the awards should be presented at the annual Mayor making ceremony.


Councillor Nicholas Hampshire proposed an amendment to recommendation (2): That the first award be prior to the Mayor making ceremony in 2023 by the outgoing Mayor.  This was seconded by Councillor Lloyd Bowen. On being put to the vote the amendment was agreed.




(1)  That the setting-up of the Mayor’s Civic Award be agreed.


(2)  That the first Civic Award be given prior to the Mayor making ceremony in 2023 by the outgoing Mayor.

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