Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, ME10 3HT. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services, 01795 417330  Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Visitors and members of the public who are unfamiliar with the building and procedures are advised that:

(a)      The fire alarm is a continuous loud ringing. In the event that a fire drill is planned during the meeting, the Chair will advise of this.

(b)      Exit routes from the chamber are located on each side of the room, one directly to a fire escape, the other to the stairs opposite the lifts.

(c)      In the event of the alarm sounding, leave the building via the nearest safe exit and gather at the assembly point on the far side of the car park. Do not leave the assembly point or re-enter the building until advised to do so. Do not use the lifts.

(d)      Anyone unable to use the stairs should make themselves known during this agenda item.




The Mayor outlined the emergency evacuation procedure.



To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2023 (Minute Nos. 116 - 119) as a correct record.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 June 2023 (Minute Nos. 116 to 119) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their families or friends.


The Chair will ask Members if they have any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) or disclosable non-pecuniary interests (DNPIs) to declare in respect of items on the agenda. Members with a DPI in an item must leave the room for that item and may not participate in the debate or vote. 


Aside from disclosable interests, where a fair-minded and informed observer would think there was a real possibility that a Member might be biased or predetermined on an item, the Member should declare this and leave the room while that item is considered.


Members who are in any doubt about interests, bias or predetermination should contact the monitoring officer for advice prior to the meeting.



No interests were declared.


Tributes to former Mayor, Hon. Alderman Ken Ingleton


Councillor Andy Booth led the tributes to former Mayor, Honorary Alderman Ken Ingleton who sadly passed away recently.  He said that Honorary Alderman Ingleton had led a rich life in his work and politics, and he referred to his two terms as Mayor and his very many voluntary roles and dedication to helping residents, particularly on the Isle of Sheppey.  Councillor Booth said Honorary Alderman Ingleton had a unique sense of humour, was an excellent Chair, a straight forward thinker and would be very much missed.


The Leader said Honorary Alderman Ingleton was a true gentleman who had time for everyone, and it had been an honour and a privilege to work alongside him.


The Deputy Leader said Honorary Alderman Ingleton was a role model and an inspiration and was a link to Swale Borough Council’s (SBC) past. He spoke of his knowledge of the Constitution and said that SBC had lost a warm and knowledgeable character. 


The Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Mike Henderson, spoke of Honorary Alderman Ingleton’s honesty and how he never let party politics get in the way. He said he was always friendly, always helpful, and always a good Councillor.


Councillor Roger Clark recalled the kindness and support of Honorary Alderman Ingleton when he was Deputy Mayor at the time of Honorary Alderman Ingleton’s second term as Mayor.


Councillor Mike Whiting said Honorary Alderman Ingleton was an excellent mentor, and showed integrity and was inspirational.


Councillor James Hunt referred to Honorary Alderman Ingleton as the ‘Grandfather of Swale Borough Council’ who still moved with the times.


There was a minute’s silence in memory of Honorary Alderman Ken Ingleton.




There was an adjournment from 7.24pm until 7.37pm.


Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor said she had been very busy since the last Council meeting.  Visits included:


·                The Elvis and Kresse workshop, a local company in Painters Forstal that used recycled fire hoses to make handbags and other goods;

·                Elvey Care Home;

·                Highsted School end of year show to see a production of ‘Legally Blonde’;

·                Borden Fete, where £370 was raised for Kent Wildlife Trust;

·                an award ceremony at Challenger Troop;

·                inter-primary 2k run at Tunstall Primary School;

·                Kite College, Eurolink Industrial Estate, Sittingbourne which was apprenticed-based;

·                leading the parade at Sheppey Pride;

·                renovations at the Dockyard, Sheerness;

·                opened sensory room at Lady Dane Care Home, Faversham; and

·                high tea for Faversham Carnival Court.


Finally, the Mayor spoke of her Welcoming Service that took place at St. Michael’s Church, Sittingbourne and was attended by her three charities.  She thanked Reverend David Ridley and Colin Brookes for the service.


Questions submitted by the Public

To consider any questions submitted by the public.  (The deadline for questions is 4.30 pm on the Wednesday before the meeting – please contact Democratic Services by e-mailing or call 01795 417330).




There were no questions from the public.


Questions submitted by Members

To consider any questions submitted by Members.  (The deadline for questions is 4.30 pm on the Monday the week before the meeting – please contact Democratic Services by e-mailing or call 01795 417330).



The Mayor advised four questions had been received from Members.


Question 1 – Councillor Chris Williams


What response has the Leader had to his letter to KCC regarding the closure of Faversham tip?  What else does he think Swale Borough Council can do to encourage KCC to change their mind and keep Faversham Tip open and running? 


Response – Leader


I can confirm that at the time of writing, I have not received a response from Cllr Gough.


The Environment committee discussed the issue briefly at their last meeting and agreed for the Chair, Cllr Rich Lehmann to write to KCC’s Cabinet Member for Environment. This letter has been sent but has also currently not been responded to.


There have been two reports to KCC’s committees so far which have outlined a number of options. The latest report has removed the potential impact to Sheerness and Sittingbourne HWRCs but remains with the Faversham closure in all options. Having expressed our opposition publicly and to those making the decisions, we feel it is best to await the detail of the formal consultation which we expect in the coming weeks.


In terms of what more Swale Borough Council can do to assist, we will continue to look at ways in which we can support the campaign to oppose the closure and of course ensure engagement in the KCC consultation process.


Question 2 – Councillor Ben J Martin


It was recently revealed that the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP, has returned £1.9 Billion of funding meant to tackle the housing crisis in England to the treasury due to “struggling to find projects to spend it on”. There are 295 District and Unitary Council’s in England responsible for Housing. Had the £1.9 billion been shared out equally between those local housing authorities, each would have received just shy of £6.5 million. This would have been sufficient to purchase 20-50 homes in Swale, based on current averages prices across the borough. Does the leader agree with me that the decision to return the funds was at best short sighted and that such funding for affordable homes in this borough would have not only been welcomed, but would have had a significant benefit for our residents?


Response – Leader


With the country in a housing crisis and more and more families finding themselves unable to find secure affordable and permanent accommodation, we and the government should be doing everything we can to maximise affordable housing delivery.  I would have absolutely welcomed the funding in the borough, and it is disappointing to see this level of much needed investment being returned to the treasury.  This demonstrates that the mechanisms and criteria that the government have attached to this funding are not fit for purpose.  Last week the government launched a call for evidence to gather views and experiences of working with Homes England.  I have asked officers to respond highlighting these issues.


Supplementary Question


As homelessness was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 223.


Fire Drill


The meeting was adjourned from 7.55pm until 8.07pm as a fire drill took place.


Leader's Statement


The Leader said:


In many respects it is with a heavy heart that I commence my Leaders statement this evening. Frankly, I sincerely hope that I never again have to stand before you all on an occasion where it befalls me to commence with reflections on the passing of a serving Councillor. Notwithstanding all of the heartfelt tributes that have already been heard here in the chamber, I would just like to formally reflect on the loss of Councillor Ken Ingleton, holding up his character and courteous manner as an exemplar standard.


I am indeed indebted to Councillor Booth for his moving tribute and to members of all of the groups for their kind words and like expressions of condolence this evening which clearly demonstrates that in this chamber people transcend politics at the most difficult times.


One of the many qualities that I personally admired in Ken was his openness and in the spirit in which I know he would accord, when elected leader of this Council I undertook to strive for a more open approach. To that end I recently held the first of a proposed regular meeting forum for all group leaders from both this administration and the opposition. The meeting was convened and conducted on an informal basis in an air of mutual trust and respect and was acknowledged by all to be a very valuable and welcome forum where frank and open discourse was facilitated.


Another pledge I made was to strive to ensure that we maintain the impetus in our commitment to the Environment and Health agenda, continuing to build upon the excellent work that has already been undertaken previously.


One pledge I didn’t make however was one of appearing to be becoming a covert vexillologist. Whilst it is a privilege for me to metaphorically fly the flag for Swale it is even more gratifying to observe the physical flags awarded to this council by outside bodies. On that note I am delighted that Swale Borough Council is celebrating receiving a Green Flag Award for both Milton Creek Country Park and Oare Gunpowder Works Country Park.


The Green Flag Award scheme, is managed by the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The charity   recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom.


The news that Milton Creek and Oare Gunpowder Works have achieved the accreditation, is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that care for those green spaces so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy them and I congratulate the team on this exceptional achievement.

Whilst congratulating the team I also pay tribute to the magnificent cohort of volunteers who work extremely hard alongside staff to create parks and green spaces that meet the exacting standards expected of green flag parks. I know just how much these spaces matter to people, so it is so pleasing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 225.