Issue - meetings

Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Consultation

Meeting: 05/11/2014 - Cabinet - Decommissioned 18.05.2022 (Item 328)

328 Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Consultation pdf icon PDF 43 KB


Cabinet Member for Planning


Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Planning and the above Cabinet Member which updated Cabinet on the stage reached by the Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan, outlined the next steps, and sought agreement for the Neighbourhood Plan to go out for its six week consultation.


A Member asked that it was made clear through the consultation process that any responses would be collated and sent to the independent examiner for review alongside the Plan.


The Senior Planner confirmed that original copies of the responses were sent, as well as a summary, and they would be used by the independent examiner to determine the programme and content of the Independent Examination.




(1)  That the submitted Neighbourhood Plan meets the requirements in the legislation and it can therefore go out to a six week consultation.