Issue - meetings

Sheerness Revival - Beachfields contract award

Meeting: 17/12/2024 - Economy and Property Committee (Item 513)

513 Sheerness Revival (LUF) - Beachfields contract award pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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The Capital Programme Manager introduced the report which summarised the procurement process and recommended a contractor to deliver the Levelling Up Funded Sheerness Revival Beachfields and public realm projects, subject to the final contract value being within the available budget, and to appropriate due diligence.


The Chair commended and thanked the officers for the report.


In response to a query from a Member about sustainability standards, the Chair explained that the project was mainly a retrofit and outdoor facility.  The Capital Programme Manager added that there would be a reconfiguration of the internal building to allow for more accessible GP provision, leisure opportunities and supporting Sheppey Matters.  The Head of Environment and Leisure reported that several of the elements within the specification and the construction design included sustainability principles such as Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) and air source heat pumps.   This would improve existing sustainability levels on the site and also reduce costs.


The Chair proposed the recommendation, which was seconded by Councillor Hayden Brawn.




(1)   That the Etec Group be appointed to deliver the Levelling Up Funded Sheerness Revival Beachfields and public realm projects, subject to the final contract value being within the available budget and to financial due diligence being undertaken to the satisfaction of the Chair of the Economy and Property Committee and the Director of Resources prior to contract award.