Issue - meetings

Proposed Relocation of Sittingbourne Market

Meeting: 10/09/2014 - Cabinet - Decommissioned 18.05.2022 (Item 232)

Proposed Relocation of Sittingbourne Market

To consider proposals for the relocation of Sittingbourne Market.

Additional documents:


Cabinet Member for Regeneration


Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Regeneration and the above Cabinet Member which set out details of plans to relocate Sittingbourne Market, including a revised location at the top of the High Street in Sittingbourne.  The report also set out the next steps for formal consultation for the proposed relocation of Sittingbourne Market, together with the likely level of costs associated with the technical and legal aspects of the work.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration introduced the report and thanked the Economy and Community Services Manager for her work.  He stated the proposal would provide significant economic benefits and assist in the regeneration of the Town Centre.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration stated that officers were moving forward with the necessary traffic assessments and the Traffic Regulation Order required. 


In response to a query from a Member, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration advised that an extensive consultation with various key partners had been undertaken since the item had been considered at the Swale Joint Transportation Board meeting on 9 June 2014.  He advised that precise details of any changes to junction designs would not be known until the necessary Traffic Modelling had been carried out.


The Economy and Community Services Manager advised that KCC Highways were committed to carrying out the necessary road survey work before work commenced and also, once implemented, this would contribute to the safety audit for the project.


Members welcomed the report and made the following comments: would improve ‘synergy’ between the market traders and high street retailers; the market would be larger; the proposed traffic order would lead to a safe environment for shoppers; would encourage pedestrian footfall to the High Street; would help to regenerate the high street; timing of the launch was crucial to the success of the market; Saturday market should be progressed as soon as possible given that no road closure would be required, and it could be launched on the date of the Christmas lights switch-on; once the Traffic Regulation Order had been approved the Friday market could be launched Easter 2015; £130,000 would be a good investment as the project would increase trade in the Town.




(1)   That the report be noted.


(2)  That the technical work around assessing traffic flows and junction designs, the drafting of a Traffic Regulation Order for formal consultation and other works associated with the project be agreed.


(3)   That a budget of up to £130,000 be provided from the revenue budget or reserves.