Issue - meetings

Property Condition Surveys

Meeting: 26/09/2022 - Economy and Property Committee (Item 319)

319 Property Condition Surveys pdf icon PDF 181 KB


The Head of Regeneration, Economic Development and Property introduced the report which set out SBC’s current approach to managing building maintenance and repairs. The Head of Regeneration, Economic Development and Property proposed that a programme of Condition Surveys on the buildings in Swale be undertaken so the full extent of works to all the buildings in Swale could be understood and the budgets could be set accordingly. She informed Members that the last survey on property assets across the Council’s portfolio was conducted in 2018.


Members were invited to make comments, which included:


-       Historically there were a lot of issues on the assets across the portfolio and needed to understand what maintenance was needed early on to avoid future repair costs;

-       did the list of properties contain all properties that was under Council ownership or was it a list of previous properties?;

-       once the surveys had been completed a strategy of properties the Council planned to carry out works on and when needed to come to the Committee to consider;

-       the Council had experienced problems in the past with works being carried out insufficiently and it was key that any future works were checked after completion to ensure they were satisfactory;

-       the previous survey in 2018 had contained incorrect information in places; and

-       important that the Council did not make the same mistake as last time with the survey and the property asset list was properly surveyed this time.


In response, the Head of Regeneration, Economic Development and Property said that the list was a fill list of previous properties and this survey was key for the Property Team to establish a comprehensive baseline of works required to the property assets under the Council’s portfolio and once they had that baseline, they could then start working on a strategy to carry out the works needed. She added that any of the works that had not been completed during the Covid-19 pandemic would be reviewed and prioritised if necessary. The Head of Regeneration, Economic Development and Property reassured Members that the surveys could be conducted by a different company as the Council was not tied into a contract with the previous supplier.


The Chair proposed the recommendation, and this was seconded by Councillor Roger Truelove.




(1)   To outsource a programme of Condition Surveys for SBC’s property portfolio.

Meeting: 14/09/2022 - Economy and Property Committee (Item 7.)

7. Property Condition Surveys pdf icon PDF 181 KB